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Band Clinics & Camps

Al Chez has been involved with music since the 1960's.  Before he was a teen he had a passion for music, following in his families footsteps who were heavily involved with drum corps.

In the 1970's and 1980's Al became a marching member and soloist of the then called, Garfield Cadets.  Alan has never forgotten where his roots have come from and is passionate about giving back.

He remains heavily involved with drum corps and band camps across the nation and internationally.

Soloist to The Saints, Garfield Cadets, Reading Buccaneers and Bushwackers. 

The Cadets - Visual & Brass   - DCI Champions

Crossmen - Design andBrass - DCI Finalists

Oakland Crusaders - Design and Brass - DCI Finalist

Reading Buccaneers - Brass Staff - DCA Champs

Bushwackers - Drill Design and Brass - DCA Champs

Kingston Grenadiers - Brass Staff - DCA Finalist

Fusion Core - Design and Brass - DCA Finalist

University of Virginia - Brass Staff

Jersey Surf - Brass and Design

JPS   Program designer 

Mount Olive HS  -Drill writer 

Kittatiny Hs  consultant 

Claudia Taylor    Johnson Hs  


Al is extremely active in giving back by doing design, brass ensemble, judging, private instruction, all levels of school, from grade, high and college both in the United States and Canada.


Alan is a Certified YAMAHA Clinician and Performing Artist

YAMAHA clinic support may be available.


For more information on booking for your band or clinic

contact us






Giving Back

Drum Corps

School clinics

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